Women’s rights are at risk this election.

In 2018, David Crisafulli and the LNP voted to keep abortion a crime, with a maximum of 7 years in prison if a women chose to terminate a pregnancy.

Then, just this year the LNP voted against women in regional areas having access to safe abortion services.

The LNP have consistently shown they don’t support women.

They slashed funding to frontline DV services like CADA in Caboolture. 

They tried to scrap BreastScreen Queensland and gutted women's health services. 

They tried to keep abortion a crime.

It’s 2024, and Queensland women deserve better. But to keep our rights we must vote for them. 

We’ve seen what can happen in the US when politicians attack reproductive rights. Queensland women have come so far - tell the LNP we're not going back. 

Pledge your support and join the fight today to keep abortion legal, safe and accessible in Queensland.