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Cost of living is the number one issue in our community so our new Miles Government is taking action to help local families!

Just announced - Every household will get $1300 off their energy bills from July!

Seniors, Pensioner and Concession Card holders are eligible for up to $1,672 off their energy bills.  

Check your eligibility here:

Grocery Price Inquiry

Farmers are getting less for their produce, while us shoppers are paying more at the checkouts. 

That's why our Premier Steven Miles, has led the nation, meeting with the big supermarkets and launching a Parliamentary Inquiry into price gouging.

We've made Kindy FREE for every Queensland Family

Our littlest community members deserve the best start in life regardless of their families' income. 

FREE KINDY covers the 15hr a week Kindy program, in the year before kids attend school. FREE KINDY will save local parents up to $4,600 a year.

We've made over 70 TAFE courses, including the Diploma of Nursing FREE

10,000 Queenslanders have already taken up the opportunity to get a TAFE qualification for FREE.

Find out more! - Fee Free TAFE

We've expanded the school breakfast program!

Students learn best when they have had a nutritious breakfast to start their school day, so we expanded the school breakfast program to cover more days in local schools. 

We've frozen car regos and public transport fares.

Premier Steven Miles has also called on the big banks to lower interest rates, while our Federal Labor Government is giving everyone a tax cut to help with cost of living pressure.

Support for pensioners and seniors

Right now, thousands of older Queenslanders are missing out on up to $1,100 in cost-of-living rebates and other support.

Our Government provides cost of living relief to help seniors and pensioners cover their bills.

Some of the relief available includes:

  • Electricity rebate of up to $1372.00/year
  • Up to $120 a year off water costs
  • Up to $200 a year off local government rates
  • A free pair of basic prescription glasses every two years
  • Discounted public transport travel
  • Cheaper car rego
  • Home Assist Secure - $500/year for maintenance work around the house
  • Free dental

To find out about concessions and rebates and to see if you are eligible, go to

Support for households

Some of the support on offer includes:

  • Cheaper learner licences - We cut the fee for all learner licences by more than half down to $75 to save families and young drivers starting out.
  • Free or cheaper kindy – have your say about us expanding the program:
  • Discounted public transport fares for children and students
  • We are also expanding the Transport Access Scheme (STAS) for free transport to and from school
  • Up to $295 per student per year towards textbook costs
  • Rental bond loans for private rental accommodation
  • Fee-Free Tafe available for eligible Queenslanders
  • $150 Swimstart Vouchers

To find out about concessions and rebates and to see if you are eligible, go to